
I have created this page to help others. If you have any questions or worries that you wish to ask me, I’m here for you. Whether that’s on anxiety, depression, self-harm,  panic attacks, low self-esteem or any another issue or worry, I will do my best to give you advice or just be there for support and chat. You can either leave a question in the comments, email me on its.simply.me3@gmail.com or tweet me to DM you on @itssimplyme3. Remember you are NOT alone.

Love Abbie x

29 thoughts on “Q&A

    • itssimplyme3 says:

      Social anxiety is something I struggle with myself, so I know first hand what it can be like. I think the most important thing to remember is that its okay to feel that way; anxious in social situations, scared, afraid of how you’re being viewed. Dealing with it isn’t something that will just fix overnight. However, things like remembering anxiety is a thing on its own, its not you, its something you deal with. Secondly, the more you avoid the social situation that scares you, the worse it becomes. As easy as it is to say, setting yourself small achievable goals really helps. Then remember to reward yourself for even trying to complete it. Also, you could look at websites, self-help guides, look into talking to a therapist or GP and/or create a diary to let your feelings of fear out. In your mind when social anxiety strikes, try to realistically think about the situation, ‘could that really happen? What’s the likelihood of that?’ This really helps to reassure yourself. Lastly, don’t let other people bring you down or increase your anxiety further. You are your own person and you have the right to feel any emotion. Put yourself first and concentrate on you. Social anxiety is really unpleasant, but it doesn’t own you. You are strong.
      Hope this helps.
      Love Abbie x


  1. M.M says:

    Im not sure if this is anxiety. Sometimes i get sad for no reason and I start crying and can’t stop. I start having problems breathing and having pains in my chest. I’ve been having these moments for the past year and Ive doubted it being anxiety a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

    • itssimplyme3 says:

      I’m sorry to hear this, and that its been affecting you for the past year. This could be anxiety, yes or panic attacks maybe. Have you looked at websites, talked to someone or seen a doctor about how you’ve been feeling? Does this happen in a certain situation or problem, does anything trigger it?
      All of this is okay by the way, you can get through it and find out what’s happening. Thank you for speaking out, it’s the bravest and best thing to do. You should be very proud of yourself.
      Love Abbie x


  2. Georgia says:

    I’m getting bullied, my family always breaking up and i lost someone who was important to my life and I got all the pain and I can’t get rid of it, it stays their and it get worse everyday 😓

    I don’t know what to do anymore please help me !!

    Liked by 1 person

    • itssimplyme3 says:

      I’m so sorry to hear this. How long has all of this been going on for? What sort of bullying? (e.g online, or at school, both?) You don’t have to answer anything you don’t want to by the way, just whatever you’re comfortable with. Have you looked online for things to help how you’re feeling, or spoken to a friend, someone at school or teacher etc?
      You’re very brave and strong to reach out for some advice. You should be proud of yourself.
      I’m always happy to try and help.
      Love Abbie x


  3. Georgia says:

    It’s a school bullying and I told my mum and teacher and the bullies have left school week ago cause they were hurting me but I’m getting better but I’m still really upset I feel like my life has been destroyed
    Georgia x

    Liked by 1 person

    • itssimplyme3 says:

      That’s good that you spoke to someone about it and good that they aren’t around you right now. Are you now on summer holidays? It’s sounds like you have had a lot going on lately. Does any of your family and friends know how you feel at the moment?
      Love Abbie x


  4. Merlin says:

    Hi, I have a question, recently I have been having these really nervous, panicky moments. I have been walking around with the thought that it might be anxiety but I’m not sure at all. I want to tell my mum or someone but I’m scared she won’t believe me because whenever we watch tv and someone mentions panic attacks/ anxiety she is like ‘yeah bullshit, everyone has that there’ so I’m scared. Also, I am scared ti see a doctor, I feel like I’m just being silly and it isn’t anxiety at all, like I’m just overthinking certain things and being a bit nervous. I really don’t know what to do. Can someone please help me? It would mean a lot, thank you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • itssimplyme3 says:

      Hey! Thank you so much for commenting. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been feeling like this lately. There is a lot of misunderstanding about when anxiety over certain things like a job interview, starting in a new school or doing a presentation is ‘normal’, then when it becomes anxiety and an everyday issue. I can understand that you’re worried about telling your mum because of those comments, however that doesn’t mean she doesn’t/wouldn’t care just that she doesn’t understand it. If you don’t feel ready to tell her yet, then maybe another family member or friend would be better first. If you do want to tell your mum but maybe don’t know how to approach it, you could write a letter explaining how you’ve been feeling, then decide whether to give it to her later.
      I want to reassure you that you aren’t being silly at all. If this is how you feel, then you have every right to reach out to understand and feel better. Going to a doctor and explaining how you are feeling is a good idea, but if you feel that’s too much of a big step right now (which is okay!) maybe looking at some self – help websites and telling someone close to you is a good and brave place to start.
      You should be very proud of yourself to reach out.
      Hope this helps.
      Love Abbie x


  5. Georgia says:

    I want to talk to my crush but I’m really scared and I don’t want to do and I txt this other boy but he hasn’t text back and the other thing is that there something wrong but I don’t know what it is I feel really uncomfortable

    Liked by 1 person

    • itssimplyme3 says:

      Hey. Okay, have you spoken to him before at all? Maybe just start with simply ‘Hey, how are you? What you up to?’ That way its just a normal conversation to begin with.
      How have you been feeling?
      Love Abbie x


  6. Georgia says:

    I can do that but scared of what he would say back or if he wouldn’t reply back and I’m feeling down I feel like everything had shut down in my body I feel so rubbish x

    Liked by 1 person

    • itssimplyme3 says:

      Thats okay, maybe just try it because then you won’t feel as uneasy and will found out. Twenty seconds of insane courage goes a long way! Awww, how long have you been feeling like it?
      Love Abbie x


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